How it works

Your perfect luxury event, step-by-step

first step icon

Online reservation

Start your journey to an unforgettable event experience with our easy-to-use booking tool. Click the link to select your party size, occasion, date and time, preferred location, and theme color.

step two icon

Confirm your booking

Secure your spot with a 50% deposit. We’ll confirm your booking and reach out to perfect all the details for your event. An email reminder will prompt the final balance, due upon your arrival.

step three icon

Enjoy the picnic

On the day of your event, we arrive 2 hours early to craft your exquisite setup. Simply arrive, relax, and savor your meticulously arranged outdoor retreat. After your celebration, we’ll take care of the cleanup.

Start from just $319. Ready for unforgettable luxury?

Have any questions?

We’ve got answers! Please refer to our FAQ page for more information.